Astonishing X-Men (2009–2012)
Interesting X-Men Show
19 July 2024
Just finished watching this X-Men Animated Show and it was an interesting experience to say the less. There is a lot that I like and appreciate about this show, but at the same time there's a lot to dislike about this show.

Positives for Astonishing X-Men (2009-2012): I really appreciated this different style of animation for an animated show in general. I like the way how it looks like it from a comic book. It feels like the comic book has come to life. That's about it for positives.

Negatives for Astonishing X-Men (2009-2012): There really isn't a reason for this show to excited aside from the unique style of animation. There really isn't much of a story to this show and it feels pointless.

Overall, Astonishing X-Men (2009-2012) is an interesting experience with one of the most unique styles of animation, but there isn't a reason for X-Men Fans to watch this show side from the animation.
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