You know exactly what you get and you like it
26 June 2024
It seemed like one of those British feel-good, small scale, movies, that you know that will not sweep you of your feet, but you know that you are going to have fun. And this is exactly what you get, just with a large-scale actress, unlike the ones that has one or two old actors or actresses - now you get three and what an excellent choice of casting.

Its pretty known story about a woman that comes to her hometown after her mother passed away and starts opening closed doors from old and rusty closets from the past. She goes to a road trip with her mothers' old friends to a cause that her mother started and this time we are talking about a holy place in France, which Holly Marry was supposedly watched bathing or something.

Two old ladies and one young woman with a silent child are the supporting characters and almost all of them has a strong connection to the visiting woman and a big secret is about the raddle their reality and ordinary quiet lives. You can sprinkle a little bit religion issues and off course faith stuff and we are inside the heart of the movie and pretty quickly.

It doesn't have anything special as it goes for the script and the actresses doesn't give the one time show of their lives, but all together works good and even tries to get us of the regular movie mold and script limitations. It has some funny-bitter-sweet moments, heart breaking moments, that are not selling very well and it is pretty good.

None of the sub-genre of this movie doesn't represent properly. When it is funny, it is not funny enough and doesn't try to be very comic. When it is sad, it is hardly going to pull any emotion from you and it is not so good with drawing the audience into the heart of the plot, but somehow it manages to get out unharmed.

It is a movie that doesn't want to break the regular road of the script that tries to get to the desired result - give the audience what is expected from it. Just watching those epic actresses join forces together, but the fact they all settle for such a mediocre movie and script gives us hope for better results next time.
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