Plotless, Aimless, and Disappointing
23 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
**This movie was absolutely dreadful!** The storyline - calling it a plot would be giving it way too much credit - was utterly tedious! Some claim it offers a great perspective on class? Are you kidding me?! From the HORRIBLE acting to the complete and utter lack of dialogue, characters changed motives, desires, and allegiances so quickly without any second thoughts. Moreover, a lot of scenes just plain didn't make any sense!

*SPOILER ALERT* I get that the two troops were sent to keep an eye on our main characters, but why in the world did the big guy suddenly knock out that woman?! What was that all about? And the gratuitous female-on-female scene? What purpose did that serve? Only the one zombie guy seemed to be learning anything and leading the troops, yet he was somehow able to avoid huge blasts from explosives while zombies around him exploded? These characters have such amazing aim at such strange points, but then they can't kill this one zombie? And everyone in the van just blindly follows Choro, then immediately switches allegiances? And what was with the girl who was ready to nuke the entire city, but when asked to fire on a bunch of zombies and half-eaten civilians, all of a sudden she has a heart? Plus, even after Choro turned into a zombie, he was able to carry out his revenge? Not only was he able to remember to kill that CEO guy, but also he was able to find him that easily? And what was with the horribly cheesy ending where they just want a place to live?! Uh, hello, have we forgotten that THEY ARE DEAD?! Kinda the premise of the movie!!!

Oh, I was SO disappointed - and I didn't even have high expectations or anything! I just couldn't believe how bad it really was. My boyfriend and I looked at each other after the movie and were so angry - he had been particularly excited about this one, and I thought the idea that the zombies would possibly be learning something was neat. OH SO SAD when a great series like this jumps the shark!
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