Good Stories Bad Acting
18 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I am always willing to give indie films a go and some of them are great, others are absolutely terrible. This falls somewhere in-between.

The premise, a young woman goes to an old closed down movie theatre in the hopes of saving it but it is already shuttered for good. A man invites her in and shows her four stories. Now I do like anthology movies and this one had some interesting stories but what lets it down are both the acting and the special effects.

The acting is at time wooden and lifeless, some of the effects are not very good. Now I do realise that indie movies don't often have a huge budget and can limit what the movie shows and does, but sadly the acting also lets this movie down, although you can see the actors trying their best.

It did keep watching to the end though and I liked the idea of the closed down theatre binding all the stories together. It is not dire, just not something I would watch again anytime soon.
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