Mass (2021)
An effective piece of roundtable discussion!
6 June 2024
A session of reconciliation brings together the parents of the school shooter and one of the victims, allowing them to gather the courage to face each other and comprehend each other's point of views.

As the discussion unfolds, secrets are revealed and new details about the tragedy come to light.

What I appreciate the most about the writing is how it places the audience in a neutral position, enabling us to pay attention to both sides of the conversation, without preconceived bias marring our conscience and clouding our ability to draw a fitting conclusion.

Scripts such as this rely heavily on powerful dialogues and performances, and I must say that 'Mass' excels in both of these segments.

And I also admire how the movie avoids vilifying the perpetrator, which is a common tendency in many stories. Despite committing unimaginable sins and inflicting unspeakable pain on others, they still have the right to share their struggles, their reasons.

No one is born a killer; adverse circumstances, social isolation, and a lack of proper upbringing all contribute to the creation of a murderer.

The sooner we acknowledge this, the better it will be for our children as well as our next generation.
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