Planet Coaster (2016 Video Game)
10 Out of 10
15 May 2024
One of the greatest games ever made. Period. I went into this not knowing much or what to expect thinking it'd be a boring simulator or something. Got to play it when they had it on PlayStation Plus. Was amazed at how immersive the game is and how much fun it is to play.

Ended up getting the complete edition (the Ghostbusters DLC should be included with the complete why isn't it Frontier?) on ps5 and have literally spent at least 100 hours in this game. It's pretty addictive. Especially how they created the guests who react naturally to different events and activities. The level of detail is astounding.

It's also pretty funny making a queue super long with different elevations and watching as guests have to climb the entire length of the queue to get to the ride and they have no problem with it. Very amusing and never gets old. And then putting a fast pass system so those that buy it can instantly skip the line while at the same time you see crowds of people who didn't buy it have to navigate the maze you created for non-fast pass people.

The only downside I could find is if you zoom in close on buildings or something that the texture quality doesn't scale with the zoom but other than that don't have any complaints. A very fun game that I didn't realize would be this fun. Just do the tutorial/campaign and see for yourself.
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