Road House (2024)
Such a Good Time! Just What I Needed
23 March 2024
Road House is a lot of fun! It's a self-aware tropical Western. It's clever, it's funny, and the action is exciting.

The choreography of the fight sequences is so good. Jake Gyllenhaal and Conor McGregor show off some impressive physiques and cool UFC fight moves. You can tell they're both having fun, and the viewer can't help but also have fun.

I love the setting of the story. It's very immersive and the beachy vibe suits the tone of the movie. I don't watch UFC fighting, but I imagine this movie is a similar thing in that it's not about technicalities or depth, it's about entertainment and having a good time. And in my eyes, they achieved with Road House what they set out to do.

If I wanted to get nitpicky, I could complain that at times the dialogue isn't the best, or that not everyone's acting is on point, but there's more than plenty to make up for that. There are a lot of fun and likable characters that create some delightfully humorous interactions with the protagonist. And as usual, Jake Gyllenhaal poured 110% into this role. I love that his passion for his craft is always so evident.
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