Rare brilliant Russian film
9 February 2024
This film is a cinematic adaptation of famous and brilliant Russian book that was written in 1928-1940 amongst darkest years of Big Terror and banned for many years. Mikhail Bulgakov well knew that his novel won't be ever published but kept writing.and rewriting it as something very personal. The book was never finished but his wife brought his drafts together after he died and they gradually found it's way into emerging Samizdat with people printing copies on typewritters and sharing them. My literature teacher used to tell us story how she read this book overnight since she had to pass copy to the next reader (btw she didn't like it :) but admitted it was a great work nevertheless). Eventually knowing that book became a sign of a well educated and free minded person in USSR and part of a cult following with

But let's get back to the movie. Bulgakov's book was adapted into several films and film series but proved to be exceptionally difficult to maintain book spirit, pretty much like we don't have good adaptations for excellent books of Terry Pratchett. However this film is the very best adaptation that I saw. Unlike some other adaptations it does not try to literally follow the book, but it wonderfully captures it's very essence.

The plot revolves around a writer in Soviet Union who finds himself at odds with new government and left without means to survive amongst rapidly unfolding political terror. Nevertheless he meets a married woman who inspires him to start writing a new book while knowing that it won't be published and might actually.get him jailed. A tragic love story unfolds and helps both to keep going and fighting in a seemingly hopeless environment. The writer starts to add persons from his own life as characters in his book and mystically the story that he wrote starts to influence the actual world where he lives. As an author he can write a happy ending for lovers in his story, but will it become real as well? And are all those mystic events happening around even real at all or just merely his own imagination?

As you might have guessed by now this story is mirroring personal story of Bulgakov life and I was very impressed how well film captured this intertwining between Bulgakov and the book he wrote. It also brilliantly reproduced his harsh satire on Soviet society where words and actions were totally different and it feels very actual for modern day Russia that rapidly follows same steps. It faithfully reproduces most of the key story moments from original book. And God, it's absolutely beautiful visually. Cast is truly excellent too with plenty of memorable characters and while nominally it is pretty long it certainly doesn't feel.so when you watch it.

There are several reasons to dislike this film. The book was significantly shortened - it simply too large to fit everything. Original book had strong and memorable Biblical elements but they were almost removed. Satiric elements are exaggerated visually while original book had them wonderfully written on top of normal, easily recognizable everyday life. I think it was the right decision because an exaggerated fantastic Soviet city is a good showcase of Soviet propaganda of 193x that was all too well known to Bulgakov and his early readers but is largely forgotten now, however I understand why some might disagree with such modification. Finally film tends to often paint it's story with a broad strokes and subtle hints relying on watcher to fill in details and omitted parts. This works wonderfully for people familiar with horrible Russian history of 1930s as well as original book, but it could be confusing for people who never read the book and unfamiliar with that part of Russian history.

Despite all these issues, I think it's a real masterpiece. Book adaptations are always difficult and this is a rare example of very successful adaptation of a complex and allegorical book. Must see for those who.read and loved Master and Margarita or want to better understand Russians and their history. Aside from that it's a good and visually beautiful film.
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