First Meg is fun, this one is dumb
30 January 2024
I'm writing this as a fan of the first film.

Meg 2 makes the first Meg movie look like a work of sophisticated, cinematic genius. There's such a thing as dumb fun, but Meg 2 is just plain dumb. The first half of the movie is unrealistic, yet watchable and even exciting at times.

As for the latter half of the film... well, they just stopped trying. As the film turned into the Sci-Fi Channel cheese-fest I expected the first film to be, I lost interest. I hung in there to the ending that never felt like it would come.

I suppose the writers and director thought all the comedy would make up for the sheer ridiculousness of it all, but it would have had to be a lot funnier than it actually was. Silly doesn't mean funny. The only bright spot of all the madness is Jing Wu. He seemed like he was genuinely having so much fun. His fun, likable character somewhat saved the moments he was on screen. As for everyone else, let's just say I don't think this movie was good for anyone's acting career.

Directer Ben Wheatley should be embarrassed. The sheer laziness and sloppiness on display is agitating. If it were a Sharknado sequel, then it would have delivered on expectations, but people expected more out of this sequel.
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