4 December 2023
The acting in this movie is one of the very few things one could be remotely positive about. Sadly, it doesn't even show that well, being buried under lousy dialogue and outright terrible direction.

The chaotic direction of this movie makes every scene feel out of place. This is further emphasized by the abrupt changes in the musical score.

Things aren't very well explained at the start, while there is way too much happening at once. It slows down a little in the second act, where the dubious decision to travel back to Britannia over land is being made and where all sense of how much time has passed is gone. In the finale we see the same chaos in direction, which just makes the movie feel very pompous and pretentious; almost laughable.

It's a shame, because filling in the story of Romulus 'the last emperor' Augustus could be interesting; just not in this way, with an overload of fantasy and magic and an ending that's unnecessarily bending stories together...
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