Christmas by Design (2023 TV Movie)
Dating Her Father?
9 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was great! And by "great", I mean weird, creepy, and frustrating. First, my wife could barely control her anger at this lady's self-imposed work schedule. She had 8 days to make a pair of pajamas (which she herself said was nearly impossible) and then she is spending all of her time goofing off at the Elfcapades with her family and the guy she hit with her car. Several times during this movie, I caught my wife shaking her head and muttering "ridiculous" under her breath.

We also really enjoyed how her family spent most of the movie guilting her about what a horrible daughter/sister she was for following her dream, moving to New York, and opening her own clothing store. When she told her family that she ditched her big chance at designer stardom so she could spend Day 47 of the Elfcapades with them, their joy was sickening.

Finally, it was weird that the not-yet boyfriend of the lead character bought her dad's old tow truck that happened to have his old jacket in it. We suspect that the dad's body may have been in the back of the truck too, but Hallmark didn't show us that. In any case, this made the lead character fall in love with the mechanic and apologize to her stepfather for being a jerk to him.

Anyways, all of the characters in this movie were awful people except maybe the mechanic. I gave this movie 9 stars because I am a sick freak who likes being angry. I can't wait until the sequel!
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