Fair Play (2023)
So Many Missed Opportunities
2 November 2023
So many missed opportunities.

"Fair Play" had a chance to be a spicy erotic thriller about all sorts of gender power dynamics. But instead an incident late in the film puts one character in the unequivocal role of victim and the other in the unequivocal role of aggressor, and all nuance or ambiguity for the audience is stripped away. It doesn't help that the two leads have zero chemistry, and they're also both fairly reprehensible people as far as anything the film tells us about them (which isn't much). They're superficial and materialistic, and both are willing to sell their souls to a morally bankrupt profession. There's no rooting interest here, so I didn't much care who came out on top. The movie mostly just felt me leaving bad and like I needed to take a shower.

Grade: B-
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