Sundelbolong (1981)
Enjoyable and more well done than not, but saddled with problems, especially in the front end
28 October 2023
Oh boy, this does NOT start off well. It's one matter to lean on themes of the hypocrisy, injustice, and misogyny of a "criminal justice system" that echoes the values of a broken society and blames victims, and casts unfair judgments on sex workers. It's another matter for the exposition to fill more than first whole third of the length, with no meaningful movement in the story in that time, and no small amount of tiresome fluff on top. Worse yet is the emphatic expression of values that are inappropriate, dangerous, and antiquated no matter the culture or context - the abject denial and subjugation of bodily autonomy, the refusal of essential medical services on the false grounds of treating them as a moral issue, and horrid, unscientific misinformation that aims to frighten people who can become pregnant into willingly abjuring their reproductive rights and surrendering their autonomy. Long before the core plot ever starts to surface the movie asks a lot of us as an audience, and the viewing experience is trying.

'Sundelbolong' does pick up more thereafter, telling the tale of a vengeful spirit, though pacing remains a concern. It often seems that the tone is curiously, inappropriately light, though in the very least there are many specific moments and inclusions that are tawdrily, cartoonishly exaggerated. The storytelling ranges from drama, to mystery, to horror, to martial arts action that's rather embarrassingly sped up, to romance, and the result feels imbalanced and unwieldy. The narrative is complete and compelling, and I did enjoy this, but both as written and definitely as realized on film some beats, scenes, or ideas are distinctly stronger or weaker than others. For example, the action is both overdone and possibly just out of place, but well done in and of itself; the practical effects and tangible creations that adjoin the more horror-oriented moments are terrific. In the very least those behind the scenes turned in consistently fantastic work, for the sets and filming locations are outstanding, not to mention costume design, hair, makeup, and the stated stunts and effects. I just surely wish the picture had a more cohesive feel to how it told its tale, and greater tonal consistency.

Despite the issues that trouble it in one manner or another, I still think the feature is much better than not. I think Sisworo Gautama Putra's direction is admirable and firm in orchestrating every shot and scene, for example, and in guiding the cast, and F. E. S. Tarigan's cinematography is smart, smooth, and crisp. At its best this is a rich, striking spectacle, in some small ways bringing to mind more well-known effects-laden fare like 'A nightmare on Elm Street' or 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre.' The cast is swell, and some moments are earnestly creepy in how they present. There's also just no denying how much the flaws and weaknesses weigh on the proceedings, dampening the overall value that 'Sundelbolong' has to offer; exactly how much is up to each individual viewer to assess. The strength it boasts in the back end outweighs the problems that dog it; would that there weren't anything to compensate for in the first place. The title is entertaining and worthwhile on its own merits, if you ask me, but is not something one needs to go out of their way to see. When all is said and done 'Sundelbolong' is a superb piece of Indonesian horror, a classic that stands taller than some of its kin, but just be aware of its faults before you sit to watch.
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