Last 2 segments are worth the watch
11 August 2023
I remember getting a free screening of this film as a child-- I watched a different film in another auditorium then switched to another to catch the last two acts/stories of Shake Rattle and Roll 8, which were the best parts and the reason why my rating is this high. "Yaya" had a convincing story that was inspired by Filipino folklore, and had the amazing Iza Calzado and Nash Aguas in it. I think it was the film that made me think Nash is really talented. Most child actors just doesn't sit right with me, but Nash could really portray the emotions in every scene that I just feel his fear and protectiveness over his little sister. I really loved Benjo's character growth and how he's protective to his little sister. The dialogues and writing in "Yaya" felt natural and convincing. I loved Yaya Hermie's delivery of her dialogues that she just felt relatable to me.

Now, "LRT" is an interesting one. Perhaps, the best choice to put it as the final story to end this film. It's the story that is memorable which also has a post-modern approach in it, and characters that are diverse. The creature's makeup were actually so good, too, who looked like the one in M. Night Shyamalan's "The Village". It's a brilliant premise with an plot twist that is quite disturbing and surprising where the film just got better.
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