Run the Burbs (2022–2024)
Give it a chance
18 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This takes place in the suburbs around Toronto or at least the GTA, so enough about the 'not enough white people' rants. Toronto is diverse. This isn't Saskatoon, folks.

Also, I've read some reviews that say they don't show their culture enough or use their language, but that's just in the first few episodes. Again, give it a chance. It's explained later on that Camille doesn't know the traditions, language, or celebrations from her Indian heritage because her mom passed away when she was young and her dad stopped trying to keep up the culture. Her dad is also a teacher at a white school and Camille went to a white school, so they didn't want to stick out, which I've heard is legit what many BIPOC kids do, especially kids of immigrants.

Andrew does speak Vietnamese and you see him speak mostly Vietnamese when he's around his parents and sister. And they have celebrated the lunar new year in each season as well.

The jokes land and I laugh out loud at each episode.

I don't find Andrew or some other characters to be "over" acting; I just think of them as having that energetic, outgoing, extroverted personality.

If you're a millennial parent, you'll probably find a lot of humour in this.

You don't have to live in a nice suburban community to understand the characters.

I also think season 2 is funnier than season 1, so there ya go. Give it a chance. It gets better.
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