Tin & Tina (2023)
Crime against film-making
4 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A childless couple decides to adopt creepy albino twins who are straight from The Village of the Damned. And criminally insane.

The kids are really into the whole fire and brimstone reading of The Bible and "cleanse" the family dog by disemboweling it. Also, when the couple unexpectedly conceive, the newborn must be (nearly) drowned aka baptized in the swimming pool. And the school bully also suffers divine retribution from the murderous twins.

What I found most disturbing was the fact that the formerly atheist mother becomes a fervent Catholic in the end because of the killer kids! What kind of message does that send? Was this movie backed up by The Vatican?

I wonder whether the crew were forced or black-mailed into making this garbage? The director should be prosecuted.
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