East of Eden (2008–2009)
5 April 2023
To say I'm disappointed is an understatement. I came into this expecting something similar to "Giant (2010)" but ended up getting a flashy action and a lousy over-dramatic fuss. This the type of drama were you get 20 quick flashy shaky camera edits before an action is taken. Lackluster action despite having a massive budget. It seems the number of episodes was predetermined before finalizing the story/writing, this is why we got a handful of nothingness. What do you expect from the writing department when they had internal issues midway through. Even the lead actress dropped out halfway through. Even the other female lead had a significant screen time reduction.

The drama had one of the cringest last scene epilogue out there. The awkwardness as they were sitting around the table, I could feel it piercing through my bones. Can't help but feel this was a waste of big cast. Classic Korean society normalizing rape with no consequences, even more favorable for the rapist. My expectations and interest were nullified when that happened. All the relationships sucked, romantic and non-romantic ones. By the end, I couldn't care less what happens to who. One finale remark, if they want to commit to the route they choose, then there should've been more deaths!
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