26 February 2023
I started watching with high hopes, yet low expectations. After episode 1, I was pleasantly surprised. I nearly didn't watch the show due to the past few Aussie crime biographies. In my opinion were poorly made and lacked intrigue.

The violence and stories behind it are unexpected for a free to air TV show, yet executed well with me wanting more at the end of each episode.

The quality of actors including " Matt Nable", Callum Mulvey", "Justin Rosniak" and "tim Roth (among others), was a nice surprise, not knowing anything about the show before watching it tonight.

8 stars I feel this could have easily been made into a seasonal tv series, yet I'm looking forward to the final episodes.

This is my first ever review on any show or movie. I think that shows how much of an impact this show has had on me. Having lived some similar experiences throughout my life..
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