Ring of Fire (2012)
Somebody SHOOT the cameramen so they stop jerking the darn thing
24 December 2022
Look, when an earthquake or tremor happens it's one thing, but looking at actors talking or walking through debris or on a street THE CAMERA IS TREMORING, it's IRRITATING!

Hey, What's the purpose of having vibration correction of it's shut off and the cameras INTENTIONALLY shaken for some stupid effect!

Try this at home-move your head around while staring at something in the foreground. What MOVES is the background behind the object and the object of your view only changes in perspective: instead of looking straight on at the subject you're at an angle, BUT in the whole process the PICTURE doesn't JERK!!!

WHY CANT THEY DEVISE A CAMERA THAT MOVES BACK AND FORTH A LITTLE, maybe an inch or five, WHILE LOCKED ONTO THE OBJECT OF THE PHOTOGRAPH! The background will move but the subject will stay in the camera's center... NO JERKING!!!
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