Hangman (III) (2009)
Awful amateur film/
19 November 2022
I regrettably stumbled upon this film, via a pile of old screeners my agency receives. Fortunately for the public's sake I don't think this film ever was released too the public. Films like this prove that literally anybody can produce, write, direct movies these days. The script is something a troubled 8th grader in study hall would jought down too get through the day. I have never heard of the writers or directors, for all I know they were 8th graders in study hall when they gave birth too this deformed child. The script & dialogue is mind boggling bad, your IQ will drop watching it, there's absolutely no substance of any kind, the actors are not very good, but hell they didn't exactly have much to work with. Films like these from 2007_2013 are why it's so hard to get funding for smaller independent films anymore. It's unbearable knowing that unqualified baboons with zero experience in the industry, managed too swindle some poor soul too fund this, you couldn't polish this turd enough too give it away in Christmas stockings, ppl would ppl refer coal then too suffer through this dud.
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