Cute love but very annoying!
14 November 2022
This series was definitely produced for the teens because all I wanted to do while watching it was reach through the screen and smack the main girl knock some sense into her!

My goodness, whoever or many of the script writers squeezing out the story plot! Who in the right mind behave so friggin mousy! In this 21st century I can not imagine a young woman behaving so gutless! Not only that, her voice and behavior too was most aggravating too!

Wrong actress for the lead!

And that conniving bitch acting like a friend all the while giving another screwing to the mouse! I hated girls like that in school! Even though I was a shy introverted person, I'd have sooner reached my limit and fought back and give that bitch one two punch right on her conniving mouth!

I've skipped what I could for the sake of my curiosity and see how that bitch was handled in the damn series!! Ugh!

In closing, I do not recommend it for the adults. But the teenagers with the maturing mindset may learn from it some life situations, and to better handle those who are just pretending to be friends when all the while giving the f..k U!
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