"There are no archival discoveries. There is only bad cataloguing."
12 October 2022
Frank Mayo rushes into the grand jury and confesses to having killed his half-brother, Philo McCullough, who has threatened to kill anyone who dares to marry Sylvia Breamer -- who is wed to Mayo -- and blackmail him with exposure of his criminal past. Nonetheless, Mayo insists it was an accident. The prologue being complete, we enter the body of the movie.

This was a recent premiere on Turner Classic Movies, and it's in remarkably good condition for its age. The presentation was excellent, although I think it was projected just a tad too slow. The reason it wasn't shown earlier is that for most of the last century, it was considered lost, until an archivist was going through some agricultural movies and discovered it there. And so we have it once again, a watchable little programmer from Universal with a nice twist ending.
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