Dogs in Space (2021–2022)
WHAT MAKE A CAPTAIN 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
22 September 2022
Garbage is a narcissistic, egotist with a hero complex. I would rather witness him perform the Loaf's job. No depressing scene could ever convince me that he is capable or qualified to serve as captain. Additionally, you're teaching children that doing wrong can result in rewards. I do not support that message, either. Garbage caused issues even when he was a tea person. Could you incorporate him in the action by not placing him in the forefront? What made Loaf's job not a two seater? When Stella was doubting herself hearing Garbage voice made her confidence. Garbage may understand the value of team through Loaf, could be a role model and help Loaf with his fears. Making Loaf the Greatest Capitan EVER.
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