Make love not war
24 June 2022
This can not even be considered a pun, right? If you feel so, sorry for the pun. But it might never have been more apt then here. You have the world on the verge of second world war - and some people who just are getting it on ... and on ... and on.

But with so many affairs, you would be excused if you lost the count. Or who is doing it with whom. Now saying all that, do not imagine this to be too titilating/exciting. Actually the main cast isn't really nude in this. There is some nudity, but from others/smaller roles and not during the ... act. No pun intended.

This is a special kind of drama. You will either like what is happening - with confusion and trying to please ... oneself - or you will find it annoying at best. Don't blame Berlin for anything ... I think.
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