Upgrade (2018)
Not bad, but could have been so much better. (super slight spoiler)
19 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I do not want to say too much although I will say this...the plot was basic...with futuristic attributes that actually seemed less futuristic and more modern day warfare.

This movie had a rather elementary plot of revenge...tangled with corporate ideals pertaining to human enhancement, finance and power. I found the movie to be slow and stuck in second gear.

I did enjoy the action scenes and the IDEA behind the movie...but it seemed to fall flat. Like something was missing. There was not enough of something but I cannot put a finger on it.

Ultimately this is a groovy little sci-fi action thriller that claims to be part horror...although it is not. The gore in this movie is pretty much in the operation to install the microchip into a human. It is quite graphic.

Aside from the operation I would give this movie a PG-13 rating. Maybe PG-13 with the operation. Either way it is still worth a watch but do not expect to be talking about it much the day after. CHEERS! :)
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