My 7 and 3 yo are absolutely hooked on this movie
6 May 2022
This is my 7 year old son's favorite go to movie for going on about 3 years (since he was 4). He just loves it so much that I figured I had to write this review. I see this movie does not have a lot of reviews so I figure it is very under marketed and under appreciated by the masses, unlike many Disney movies. I have watched this movie a few times with him and I must say it is a bit of a gem. It is very unique and creative. The writers producers etc deserve more exposure on this.

My son is so obsessed with this movie he has asked for a 'dreadful sea dragon toy' and draws pictures of the sea dragon that he is so proud of. Wish I could share them as they're quite amazing. Unfortunately i have not been able to find any toy figures of the movie.

Kudos to the creators!
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