Life After You (II) (2022)
i may be the first to review...
11 April 2022
And i shall admit that ive never lost anyone near younger than me, but billions of others have over the past 4000 years, and whether its due to overdosing , accidents or sickness or health(suicide) the devastation must be a hard ride, the 5 critical phases of sorrow and pain will irresistebly be there, and the time to mend the wounds and band aid the cronic ulcer of loss can and will be an invincible task, until one morning a whisper may say ...time to go on...

its that kind of film, its pain iut shock its devastation, its utterly depression, its decieft and just a world of dark and a world of silent tears...

ive seen loads of socialrealismic films heaving over the subject of drugs and overdose topics, mainly usa made, allthough it a global phenomenon on the silverscreen(germans are good at that genrelanguage)and i must say that there are stories more vivid and heartbreaking than this out there to watch and learn from, but the mild intro until death is done is like jumping out off a plane at 30000 feet, and you keep falling with the emotions of the caracters till you think this is too dark and its too moulded to be a real sorrow. It maybe the actors, and the dystopia this family has lived in in this story so at the end i feel this aint a film for mending and repair because it wont stop wailing.

But thats the thoughts of a grumpy old man. Its a try, they shall have that, and they succeded giving ego a lump in the stomach and heaving for air at moments, but a top notch production it aint, cause it jumps a lot in the matter and gets stuck where others may find hope. So therefore just a small recommend.
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