Death in Paradise: Murdering Lyrical (2022)
Season 11, Episode 7
20 February 2022
Like other reviewers I did feel this was very dull and routine.

On a more general point the mix of characters and balance between them feels off to me. Darlene being drafted in just feels very lazy in terms of writing and is it me, or is that character really irritating?

In the past when characters have been replaced the show always maintained a nice balance. With so many changes recently it all feels a bit out of control. I hope they can either draft Florence back in or Dwayne. Unlikely, as I think it was the actors who decided to finish.

On top of that Neville is probably coming to the end of his tenure has he's done 3 seasons (?) so there will be more upheaval if the show gets recommissioned beyond the next series.
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