Looking for a serial killer along I-10 in Florida.
8 September 2021
There was a TV series "Columbo" in the 1970s starring Peter Falk. The novelty was the viewer learned of the murder as the show began and the entire episode was to see how Columbo would go about picking up clues and solving the crime.

This movie isn't quite that clean cut but we do get very strong suspicions very early, soon confirmed, and we watch to see how the agent will unravel clues and solve the crime. The setting is the panhandle of Florida, communities along I-10, and a series of murders of young girls and women are discovered.

There are many very unfair reviews rating this movie as "1" and "don't waste your time" comments. But looking at the actual distribution of ratings "5" is the most common and probably where I would rate it. There is nothing outstanding here but it is mostly well made movie that is about as enjoyable as an extended TV episode of a crime story.

My wife and I watched it at home on DVD from our public library. It was not filmed in Florida, most was filmed in Puerto Rico. It was strange in the end credits seeing they had a "COVID-19 medical team."
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