Physical (2021–2023)
19 June 2021
My first thoughts were, WTF? The trailer advertised this fun, colorful, '80s romp, along the lines of the 1985 Jamie Lee Curtis and John Travolta film "Perfect," and instead got this weird, '70s, bulimia show where her husband is going to run for political office? The writing is terrible. Most of it is a Rose Byrne narration of her neurotic, obsessive compulsive, angry thoughts that sound very modern and not remotely '80s. Both Rose Byrne and her husband are stuck in the '70s, in their '70s house, clothes, hair, and conversations, where they just insert the words "Ronald Regan" in it 3 times in order to time stamp it, along with glimpses of an aerobics instructor, which was the only thing remotely accurate in the first episode.

Either the writer is a Boomer, fantasizing about the '70s, which she was still stuck in during the '80s, and thought aerobics would be a fun gimmick, or it's written by someone who didn't experience the '80s, never watched an '80s movie, didn't grow up on '80s television. I'm aware the setting starts in 1981, but so did Freaks and Geeks and that at least bothered to be accurate and entertaining. Like, it actually reminds me of movies from the '70s that have this dark tone, that are mostly a spewing of thoughts about average people in their average lives...but, not in a good way, like Ordinary People.

The only plus is the style. It's nice to look at...other than weird moments like Rose Byrne binge eating, and a hippie eating honey out of the jar in a grocery store. This show is best to watch on mute with Mystery Theater 3000 voice-over substitution to overlap the cringey dialogue and narrations. It was painful. Rose Byrne looks great, as always, this just sucks. Not sure if I will make it to episode 2 to see if it gets better as I barely made it through one. Too bad, Apple+ was really on a role with good shows.
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