"Dragon Soldier" 1 hour and 32 minutes of your life you'll never get back.
11 June 2021
Well dragon Soldier was clearly no reign of fire or dragonheart so don't get your hopes up even a little bit. I mean when you first see the dragon the CGI doesn't appear that bad but that's probably the best they did in the entire movie other than that the rest of it is 100% ridiculous full of holes and makes very little even common sense. Granted when I watch the movie I wasn't paying much attention but they seem to leave out the part about how the dragon controls people's minds and make them turn into zombies that kill white people hey just left that issue unresolved. And these people who are being hunted by a flying lizard sure don't seem to grasp the concept of looking up to see the animal approach I meanhow many times does it have to swoop down from the sky and land on you before you start aiming your guns up instead of looking around the woods constantly and how many shots were fired by these professional soldiers before the guy in the end of fires one bullet that kills the animal you know hundreds of rounds out of machine guns and they don't hit the thing one time but then the guy shoots one bullet from a handgun and somehow it's an explosive in its stomach and kills it I mean that bullet would have killed the dragon without hitting the explosive if he shot it down its throat I mean I don't know too many animals that can swallow bullets from what looked to be essentially a desert eagle handgun and then live to tell the tale. And why did they keep showing the from the dragons viewpoint with it's crazy color vision when the dragon never saw the people from its view so why were they showing what the dragon was seeing and why did it have the crazy coloration if it didn't enhance the view to like show the people through the tree cover like heat tracking cameras infrared to show how the dragon can easily spot them no matter where they are because they can see their heat signature instead it just showed the dragon flying over the lake in Orange how did that help it you know rain tear down on these people no matter where they went what was the point of the dragon vision.and right where did the dragon come from was it a government genetic experiment that escaped how did it come to be in the woods with no parents how did it lay eggs with no mate you know and it didn't make any sense at all and I think they were kind of alluding to that fact in the end where the guy is talking to a squirrel and mentioned that he dropped the bombs in the dragon's stomach and then ran for the butthole in the skate and then he was now telling the squirrel the story I think that was just as realistic as any other part in the movie and if they were all going to go live happily ever after in the end why didn't the soldier when he went to the politicians office and shove the dog tags down his throat why didn't he get the money the other 80% of the payment so that they could all go right off into the sunset rich and heavy when that have made more sense than to just stuff the dog tags in his mouth and leave you should have also taken all the money that the politician thought he was going to get the keep now that all the soldiers were dead and his problem was gone you know kind of a Stick it to the Man I could have wrote a better plot for this movie in like 30 minutes of editing this script I could have made it a lot better I can't believe that they spent probably hundreds of thousands of dollars on this movie and this was the best that they can come up with I mean Jesus Christ how do people this dumb have access to this kind of money and I don't life is not fair that's stupid people get paid to do stupid stupid movies. Don't waste the dollar 80 at Redbox and shame on you Redbox you tricked me I thought the movie was in your box that it was up to some kind of standard this was totally a straight to Netflix movie and should have never been in a red box.
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