Firefly Lane (2021–2023)
Netflix adaptation of Fire Fly Lane is Near Perfection.
5 February 2021
I just finished binging this over a 24 hour period and honestly loved the whole thing. Having grown up in the 60's and 70's, I found it a realistic representation of that time period as well as the years past that. I had read the book and I spent way too much time waiting for certain events to happen before I realized there has to be another season. I wasn't sure about the casting at first, but in the end I thought the two main stars were perfect for their roles.

My problem is with some of the reviewers who freely admit to only watching a couple of episodes or in one case fifteen minutes. To admit this and then rate the show low doesn't seem fair-especially when it did take a bit to sort out all the characters, storylines and and time periods. Personally I had no problem with the timelines shifting back and forth. I get it, not everyone likes that in a show, and everyone has their own ideas of how it should be done. I was happy with it. Not only was I happy, I can't wait for season 2!
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