This series was an animated remake of the radio series Amos n' Andy, which used anthropomorphic animals to avoid the racism of the original. It adapted several scripts and the two protagonists were similar to Andy and Kingfish. But it was a failure and only lasted one season.
The animation is very cheap, the backgrounds are very limited and the character designs simple. But I found that the quality of the scripts more than made up for it.
The series basically consists of the Colonel coming up with some zany scheme to get out of something or to get rich quick. His schemes can get very creative and complex and they always result in some pretty hilarious hijinks. It's hard not to like the characters. The Colonel is lazy and dishonest, Calvin is dumb and
careless, but their consistent failures make them easy to sympathize with and they both have easygoing, eccentric personalities. Judge Clutch is also a great character, he creates some of the funniest moments in the series. The humor may strike some as dated, but I really enjoyed it. Perhaps my sense of humor has been set back several decades due to my interest in old comics and cartoons. The voice work by Gosden and Correll was also very well done. It's hard not to like the character's accents.
In sum, though the animation is very low budget, everything else is fantastic.
Review of Calvin and the Colonel
Calvin and the Colonel
Am I the only one who thinks that this is amazing?
6 August 2020