Indivisible (2019 Video Game)
Rather good platformer/rpg mashup.
10 June 2020
I like a game with an old school look to it and this one certainly has that. It also has a rather good story and a very wide range of interesting characters within. The combat is very fun and the highlight; however, at times the platforming can be irritating as you must push some combo of buttons that seems nearly impossible without holding the controller in some awkward manner. The game is also full of glitches, one of which prevented me from getting a character as I had two of the things I needed, but the monster that held the final piece disappeared mid fight! So while I did enjoy the game a lot, I still felt it needed work here and there.

The story has a young girl named Anja training with her dad one day when the village is suddenly attacked. Anja's dad is killed by a young warrior named Dhar who Anja confronts with intent to kill; however, what happens instead is the young warrior is sucked into Anja and placed within a realm within Anja's mind. Soon she is recruiting more people as she seeks revenge against the man who ordered the attack on the village, but she will learn that there is more at stake than simply revenge!

As stated above, the game play combines platforming with a very fun fast paced combat system. There are other role playing elements; though, you do not earn gold or anything so you do not get to do anything about equipment. About the only thing you do is collect this red gems that can be exchanged with these two living within Anja's mind for upgrades in offensive and defensive combat. You can talk to people throughout the world, but rarely do they task you to do anything, but some are characters that will join you on your quest.

So, I enjoyed this game a lot, but it had flaws within that took the game down a notch or two. The look of the game is almost like playing an anime movie as the characters and world look very much like those in a cartoon. I was a bit bummed by the final fight as I wanted to do more combat, but it instead relied only on blocking. The characters are really great as they all have their own personalities and it just makes me wish the game was longer so you could explore more together and really experience more combat with each one. All in all, good and different and worth a play through and one of those games it is rather easy to score a platinum trophy if you play it on PS4.
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