First time writing a review while using imdb religiously for two decades.
2 January 2020
First time writing a review while using imdb religiously for two decades. I am not a Kevin Hart fan. I've never watched his shows... fragments showed a lot of shouting and that's not my style of stand-up comedy (I'm more of a Louis C.K., Aziz Ansari, Dave Chapelle -flavor girl). But I'd seen him on talkshows and he really seemed like a down to earth guy. So I pressed play when Netflix suggested his documentary series. If you start watching and think you're watching some kind of refined reality show, the series will prove you wrong. Not only is this directed and edited beautifully and incredibly powerful... the underlying message exceeds the persona of Kevin Hart. This is a story about resurrection, redemption, creativity, leadership and mindset... a story which is nothing less than inspiring.
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