Honky Sausages (1999– )
Jawdroppingly life-affirming
13 May 2019
As an example of what to expect from the new channel, Honky Sausages fired up the early days of BBC3. It was a shocker and probably had aunty Beeb feeling as if she were in the throat of a crocodile caught in a tornado. Rude to the core, it has all the trappings of something that was signed off by an exec in a hurry to the utter jubilation of the cast and crew. But who knows what really happened? I'm just a frustrated fan. Frustrated because the old BBC shop where you could buy an awful lot of weird and wonderful stuff on DVD back in the day, practically denied all knowledge of it and searches on the 'catch-up' BBC iPlayer service elicited a blank "computer says no" style response ~ almost as if someone high-up had realised that this breath of fresh air had somehow been made by the great panjandrum of british broadcasting and had gone some way to expunge the memory of it. Another comment elsewhere mentions the high number of clips of footage of bands, programmes &c. which would be costly to cover the rights for, if the series were ever to be let loose into the world. That seems to eminently plausible for the reason that the best one can find on the web is a paltry collection of half a dozen or so short clips from the first series lasting no more than a minute or two and failing, in my view, to convey the sheer unadulterated fun that's to be had from such a true-to-life downright disgustingly rude, bo!!@* to the lot of you attitude.
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