Review of The Shop

The Shop (I) (2018– )
About as good as you can get with just some people talking unscripted.
28 December 2018
First of all, if you're not interested in the people then you're not going to be interested in the show.

It's mainly basketball stars, but there's musicians comedians and others who stop by "the (barber)shop" to hang. They're all successful and big names. They're in an environment where they can say *almost* anything they want.

This is, I believe, completely unscripted. Your morning talk shows or shows on certain news networks still have talking points and a narrative to follow. This one is open ended (or so it seems).

I find the dialog interesting and enjoyable. I hope the show continues with the format they have, and I hope it's successful.

One last thing: One reviewer said that he has a PhD in history and this show strays far from the facts. I have a graduate degree (not a PhD, but...) and am trying to think of where this show went into details about world history. They talk about life and sports mainly. I feel like that reviewer didn't watch the show and made up a bad review. The basis the reviewer used is doesn't apply to this show.
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