The puns are just flying left and right. It does not care about being political correct and if you don't mind your horror to have a lot of comedy in it, then you will not be disappointed. Quite the opposite is the case with this one. The dad character is really goes for it and probably would not qualify for any Dad of the year awards or what not. His choice for new wife, how he "handles" his kids or life in general is borderline to say the least.
But it's funny in a very crazy kind of way. And it's more than entertaining. And then there is all the blood and gore and horror to be dealt with. It's almost an added bonus, if you will. Even if I would have liked this to go another direction, it almost holds its premise throughout. Which is a good thing, tone-wise ... I liked it
But it's funny in a very crazy kind of way. And it's more than entertaining. And then there is all the blood and gore and horror to be dealt with. It's almost an added bonus, if you will. Even if I would have liked this to go another direction, it almost holds its premise throughout. Which is a good thing, tone-wise ... I liked it