Aftermath (IV) (2017)
How Does One Deal With Guilt and Grief?
9 April 2017
My take away from this film wasn't so much the legendary Arnold Schwarzenegger, (whom I simply admire as one of Hollywood's best) but how does one deal with and guilt and grief. From the viewpoint of the Air traffic controller, I totally understood his guilt, blaming himself for the mid-air collision and carrying such a heavy load of lost life on his conscious. I don't know about anyone else but whenever I turn on the news and hear of hit and run drivers, who may have taken a life and didn't stop at the scene of the incident to see who they hit I always ask God to give them a burden of guilt and shame that they turn their-selves in. This ATC bore his guilt but tried to restart his life, although I didn't think it was his entirely his fault, but the burden of guilt took its tool on him and his family. The grief of a lost loved one can also be heavy on ones heart, that you can never know how a person will handle such pain. Did I condone what Arnold did to the ATC? Hell no, but I understood his pain, because all he wanted was an a apology from the airline. Overall a thought provoking conversation film, you know the kind you have after you leave the theater. Not a film for everyone, but a definitely a conversation piece.
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