True Love and Sky Conquering Desire
23 February 2017
First of all, I apologize for using this space to submit a request about this film's soundtrack, rather than writing a review on the film itself. Nevertheless, I would like to comment briefly on the story and the photography: The story is interesting and even though there is no plot as such, the love relationship developed between the two girls (main characters) in the film is portrayed in a spontaneous and natural fashion that I found particularly appealing. The photography and the scenery settings, especially those shot on very high places (the high voltage pylon and the plane performing acrobatics) are breathtaking. I don't remember having seen any Lithuanian movies before, and watching this film was a very valuable opportunity for me to get a glimpse of the culture in that country. Now, what I found extraordinarily beautiful is the music in the film, most especially, a fragment that I would like to know whether it is part of the original soundtrack or whether it was taken from another composer (Tchaikovsky, perhaps?)'s musical piece. On one of the occasions this brief musical piece is heard, it occurs approximately 15 minutes before the end credits. I would appreciate if somebody could enlighten me on this point.
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