So being the authority on bikers we go...I watched this a while back and felt a little let down and full of cynical prejudice like most of us super bikers feel when we see an adaptation of something we all want to portray but just don't quite get it.So there's a camera crew available 24/7 so no need for screaming profanities at Jesus when you actually break down!And the bikes are cool but nobody rides those anymore...well because??? They break down a lot! A lot man...they break down a lot.OK ...I want an old piece of iron too but I won't risk my life and those around me on it to prove a point.What is the real point here? That I can endure physical and emotional pain to the point of sheer exhaustion? Cool...if your a thirties something hipster...I guess? I waited till I calmed down and watched it again.Like a car crash I slowed myself down and watched it again. The real effort to build a bike like this takes what most people will never learn or appreciate.To build the bike alone is understandably the hardest part but to risk it all and ride it that far will scare 99% of the masses back to the couch? Chase truck or not.We live in a place now where acting out like this is forbidden and looked down upon...thus all of the ghosts of the missing bikers from that era are now in the history books and the life of drug and alcohol consumption to the max are gone.The police and liberal governments took care of it so we can all sleep safely at night.Rehab is the way... So the good lies hidden for me in last few moments where I finally get it...maybe you will or won't but it's definitely worth a second look.I think Peter Fonda said it best...we blew it Billy