Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (2005 Video Game)
This is the most rare expensive best Fire Emblem game ever
9 July 2016
I remember back in the mid 2000s when I borrowed this game from my best friend and I played it on my Gamecube and I won it. But since then I've forgot to buy it and the prices online climbed very high in the Internet marketplace.

You play as Ike with CGI cutscenes and 3D battle graphics. Ike and his father Greil forms an army and they set out to Black Knight and Ashnard while Ikes father Greil gets killed and Ike has to avenge him by setting out to kill the Black Knight and later to kill Ashnard the evil tyrant and overthrow him from the kingdom Crimea.

The game play is still the same as in Fire Emblem 2003 and Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones 2004 and is similar to Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. You still fight with swords, axes, spears, bow and arrows, magic spells. You also get a level up for every 100 exp and you can promote your level 10-20 character using a crest item. But a new feature is being able to play as Laguz the people who transform into beasts and bird creatures. You can still lose your characters if they run out of HPs and if Ike gets killed, then it's game over.

Like I said this is the rarest most expensive Fire Emblem Gamecube game ever. If you're willing to pay over hundreds of dollars for a used or New copy, consider yourself lucky and better hope the Gamecube mini disc works perfectly because this game is hard to come by even in the Internet marketplace.

I only hope that the Nintendo company will either reissue Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance on the Wii U or release it on the Gamecube Virtual Console.
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