refreshing comedy
28 May 2016
I think the main reason for IMDb low score is because it's a french movie, im used to watching American movies in English because translation can remove a lot from a movie, worst in comedy, but this one i watched it in french so i have no clue if translation killed it. Another thing i know is : most English people don't really like french humor, it's subtle and i saw some show that was so subtle it wasn't funny at all. so that said, if you understand french and want an entertaining new aladin story go for it. i found most of the jokes funny and in good taste. Im certainly not some pro that know how directing and such work but i can certainly say that this movie is by far better than meet the spartan, epic movie, disaster movie and other low rated comedy. so, to resume : funny in french, don't be scared by biased ratings but don't go in expecting the best movie ever ... it's still just a family friendly comedy yet i think any age can enjoy it.
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