One of the best feel good movies I've seen in years
25 April 2016
Richard Linklater just gets me.All his films are about a time and place. They are about living in the moment and in Everybody Wants Some the moment is right before college in the 80s.I wont give you the plot but I will tell you that this smart raunchy funny and endearing comedy about a group of college guys is something to behold. Its a beautiful movie and im still talking about an R Rated Comedy about college baseball players. The humor is real and natural.I know people like these characters.I've joked like this and have had deep conversations like they do in the film. The actors have great chemistry. They can joke and party and yet they can still have philosophical talks about life and what it all means. You follow these characters over the span of 3 days and by the end of the film you just want to follow them throughout the year. The closing scene is just true and wonderful.If I had a weekend like the characters did then I would be doing the same thing. You'll know what I'm talking about when you see it. Its small yet says so much. Also stay till near the end there is a musical number that is pretty great. Everybody wants some!! is one of the best movies of the year!! ***** out of 5.
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