Flies conquering flypaper
5 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is a tremendous book, and given the constraints of wartime, the film isn't a bad representation. The music occasionally errs on the side of mawkishness, there's a slightly awkward mix of actors playing the Germans, and whether or not they should speak with a German accent perhaps should have been decided upon for the sake of consistency before filming began. Other than that though, here is a good look at life under occupation. The town is only defended by twelve men, and is "conquered" in one deft swoop with little damage. But the real story is that while the Germans may occupy the town and while it's inhabitants can do little directly against soldiers with guns, like "flies conquering flypaper" the German's are in a trap of their own making, and nothing they can do will conquer the minds or win the hearts of the people that they seek to oppress. As Mayor Orden tells the soon to be shot Alex Morden at a kangaroo court of German Officers, "Go Knowing that these men will never again have any rest at all until they're gone from Norway or dead".
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