Heroes Reborn (2015–2016)
I think it's pretty good
9 November 2015
Well i think how they made the storyline of the show is quite interesting. Although, i am very disappointed that not a lot of the main characters of Heroes didn't get to reprise their roles. I think it would become an even better (higher rating) show if they actually included more of the old characters. I mean i'm pretty sure everyone wants to know what happened to the old characters, Ando, Peter <3, Sylar ((who was already a good guy in the last episode of Season 4 of Heroes)) and all of the other familiar faces. It would be super awesome to see Sylar as the hero of the show for once. I really really hope that if Heroes: Reborn gets a Season 2, just for the sake of saving the show, please include more of the original Heroes characters. Overall, I absolutely love the show, especially how it's not always revolving around just American characters but also other people from across the world, we shouldn't have had to wait 5 years for the return of Heroes :')

p/s: I would love to be part of the show.
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