Both daft & amusingly engaging.
12 September 2015
"Crooks In Cloisters" is the kind of comic movie that is unlikely to be ever made again, mores the pity. After a gang of London thieves rob a train their leader Walter (Ronald Fraser) finds a place for them to hide out until the heat dies down. It is a disused monastery on an island off the coast of Cornwall. They disguise themselves as monks & eventually get used to & even like their new lives. Brother Willy (Melvyn Hayes) becomes a pig farmer whilst Brother Squirts (Bernard Cribbins) gets himself a pet goat and collects apples from the orchard. Brother Lorenzo (Gregoire Aslan) tends the vineyard & Brother Specs (Davy Kaye) gets lumbered with milking the cows. Barbara Windsor plays the Father Superior Walt's gangsters moll Bikini & as she is very obviously a woman she is easily the most preposterous monk of them all. Walt wants her to prepare the gangs meals & she tells him she can't cook so he gets Squirts to buy a cookbook on a visit to the mainland. When they get a visit by a couple of genuine monks Walt tells Specs in his thick Cockney accent to, "Keep your trap shut. You know how bad you talk". Squirts is a heavy gambler & is the owner of a greyhound. He asks a local fisherman visitor from the mainland, Phineas (Wilfred Brambell) to place a £100 bet on the dogs at Hackney races. It wins costing the bookmaker a lot of money. The bookie complains to a detective from Scotland Yard who immediately becomes suspicious. Phineas grand-daughter June is played by the beautiful young Francesca Annis who Willy falls in love with. When Walt decides it is time to leave the rest of the gang have got used to their new lives & are reluctant to do so. Bikini has become a good cook & is particularly annoyed. Walt tells the them, "Get on her!. She didn't know that chips was made from taters until she read it in that book I bought her". The gang are just leaving their hideout when detectives from London roll up, but they are too late & get caught. Willy had left slightly earlier with his beloved June & is the only gang member to escape the law. The reviews by others for this movie are somewhat mixed but I liked "Crooks In Cloisters" a lot.
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