Route 66: The Cage Around Maria (1963)
Season 3, Episode 22
Lots of Talk
31 July 2015
Talky episode that gives each of the three principals—Ashley, Straight, Alcalde—spotlight scenes. At the same time, Tod gets to look on handsomely, but rather glumly. So what is it with the troubled Maria (Ashley). We know from the outset when she visits the zoo bear that she's not quite right. But just how wacko is she. She's clinging to her dead father, while her mother (Straight) has re-married a former stable-boy (Alcalde) who she thinks is now trying to kill her mom. Ashley certainly doesn't underplay the disturbed part while the camera soaks up her performance. Except for the opening scenes at the Houston zoo, there's little trademark travelogue. As a result, there's not much to keep the eye entertained, which means interest in the episode depends greatly on unraveling Maria's cloudy character. To me, however, the talky entry indicates a superior series in decline.
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