Review of Chotushkone

Chotushkone (2014)
A captivating movie that packs a punch and yet disappoints
6 June 2015
I would've liked to rate this movie a '6.5', but unfortunately IMDb did not let me to do that, so in the end I decided to settle for six stars. The six stars are for the fact that the film had great potential to be an excellent one that leaves a lasting impression on the minds of the audiences deserving a whooping 7.5 stars , but somehow this one quite missed the mark,though not completely, and ended up being just about above average.

Watching "Chotushkone" was deja vu in terms of my viewing experience for some of Srijit Mukherjee's other, widely acclaimed works like "Autograph" and "Jaatishwaar"- all well-executed plots with glaringly obvious loopholes that are rather hard to fathom and harder to digest, especially coming from a filmmaker of Mukherjee's caliber.

All in all, a project well executed, with all the required ingredients for greatness like commendable performances, good music, a suspenseful plot with a twist ending that moves at an adequate pace to be able to cast its spell on its viewers and leave an impression. However, specific sequences of the film, especially towards the end are boiler plate, watered down versions that leave a lot to be desired. Like they say, the devil is really in the details.
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