Highly satisfying episode. No really great sleuthing, but a heavy focus on the warm fuzzy side of the chief, as Ironside desperately seeks to protect the slum neighborhood kids from being dragged into the gangs by developing an after-school football program in the neighborhood, with football star Bart Masterson as the coach. However, he refuses to help because his brother, a parolee with a suspicious present, claims the police are after him for no reason. Things get messy on all ends, and the conflicting pressures of inner city life are played out very nicely and realistically, with the good brother/bad brother issues inside the family, the anti-police suspicions, the gangs not wanting any police programs to succeed, the youths afraid or unwilling to join these programs, and the good brother being pulled every which way as he must decide what is the correct way of being "good" to his brother, family and community. Very moving and real.